Apex Office
(984) 229-9005
Fayetteville Office
(910) 491-1089

Apex Office

Fayetteville Office

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About Us

We are certified to treat a variety of conditions and will customize a treatment plan to be tailored to your individual needs and preferences.

New Patients

Regardless of whether you are sick or are simply due for a regular check-up, we are happy to welcome you to our office.

Meet Our Providers

Our mission is to provide quality care to our patients, and we are happy to help you in any way we can.

Get In Touch

We will do our best to accommodate your busy schedule. Request an appointment today!

Request Your Appointment Today!

Welcome To KOG Integrated Healthcare

Our mission is to provide quality care in treating a variety of conditions for our patients. Our highly trained team is proud to serve our community and help our patients feel better quickly.

Whether you require a flu shot or a medical consultation, we are your one-stop-shop to meet your individual needs. Contact us today to request an appointment!

Contact Us

Let's Talk

Contact KOG Integrated Healthcare to request an appointment or to request additional information about our services. We look forward to hearing from you.

Apex Office - (984) 229-9005

Fayetteville Office - (910) 491-1089

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